MySQL on Lab Computers

From iSchool Reference

Starting MySQL

  1. Log into computer with your RIT computer account

  2. Type verbose into the search bar and run "MySQL Verbose":
    MySQL Verbose screenshot
    "MySQL Verbose" will launch both the MySQL server as well as the command line client.

  3. Enter the MySQL root user password: student

Starting the MySQL Command Line Client

Once the MySQL service is running, you can run the MySQL Command Line Client or MySQL Workbench to connect to it.

  1. Search for mysql and run "MySQL 8.0 Command Line Client"
    MySQL Command Line Client screenshot

  2. It's a good idea to right click on the "MySQL 8.0 Command Line Client" icon and choose "Pin to Start" so that it'll always be quickly accessible from the start menu. You could also drag it from the Start menu to the desktop as a shortcut.